Bangkit Academy Log, Month 3

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Logo Bangkit

Hi! My name is Gabrielle Evan Farrel, and I am a proud member of Bangkit Academy's 2023 cohort. I want to share with you my experience for the third month of this program. If you haven't read my second month's log, you can find it here.

Also, here is my first month's log of Bangkit Academy, which you can find here.

But before I start, a quick summary of Bangkit Academy:

Bangkit Academy is a specialized learning institution that aims to equip students with the skills and certifications needed to succeed in the rapidly-evolving technology industry. The academy offers three distinct learning paths that are tailored to meet the demands of the modern workplace: machine learning, mobile development, and cloud computing.

The interdisciplinary nature of the Bangkit curriculum ensures that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for a variety of roles within the tech industry. By the end of the program, students will not only possess technical expertise but also soft skills and English proficiency that are crucial for success in the workplace.

Bangkit Academy's approach to education is unique in that it places a strong emphasis on real-world applications of the skills learned in class. Through hands-on projects and collaboration with industry partners, students gain valuable experience that will help them stand out to potential employers.

In short, Bangkit Academy is a comprehensive and innovative learning institution that provides students with the tools they need to succeed in the tech industry. Whether you are interested in machine learning, mobile development, or cloud computing, Bangkit Academy can help you achieve your goals and launch a successful career in this exciting field.

Week 9

This week was relatively relaxed since there weren't any synchronous events. I spent the first day self-studying and reflecting, taking things easy because Eid was coming up. On the second and third day, I attended optional product-based capstone project presentations. It was interesting to see people's ideas and solutions, and in the afternoon, I had the chance to meet and learn from older Bangkit cohorts who shared their proposals from previous years.

As Eid approached, the campus got quieter, but I kept busy working on asynchronous tasks in Google Cloud Scalable Business (GCSB). On the last day of the week, I finished my tasks in GCSB and felt content with the pace of the week. Despite being slow, it was still exciting by my standards, and I looked forward to enjoying Eid.

Logging, Monitoring and Observability in Google Cloud Getting Started with Terraform for Google Cloud

This week's cloud skill bost badge

Week 10

This week has been quite enjoyable since it was a holiday, and I spent most of my time at home with my family and friends. However, despite the distractions, I managed to make some progress in my work. I began by reviewing this week's asynchronous tasks and got excited to work on them.

On the first day of the week, I focused on the course "Set up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud". I learned a lot about SQL and VPC in Google Cloud Platform, and I was able to make significant progress. I hope to complete the rest of the course by tomorrow.

On the third day of the week, I focused on cloud monitoring and Kubernetes. The topic of Kubernetes was fascinating for me because it is a critical software that many companies use to orchestrate their containers easily. I also completed a challenge lab, where I was able to implement my newly acquired knowledge in a real-world application.

Set Up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud

First of the two badges of the week!

On the fourth day, I began working on the second course, which was about infrastructure automation utilizing Terraform. Although it reminded me of how Ansible works, Terraform is more focused on setting up infrastructure. The way that cloud engineers can create infrastructure as code is incredibly helpful in automating repetitive tasks.

Finally, on the last day of the week, I finished the last course, Automation with Terraform. Initially, it was challenging, but after some time, I found it to be an essential tool that allowed me to manage the cloud in a programmatic and predictable way. I am looking forward to next week's tasks and learning more about cloud engineering.

Automating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform

Second badge!

Week 11

Monday, the start of a new week and a holiday for International Labor Day. As there were no new activities for the cohort, I spent the day learning Rust language by myself. It was a great opportunity to explore and learn something new.

Rust basics with rustlings

Learning Rust with the help of rustlings

On Tuesday, I attended the Capstone Product-based Presentation Theme meeting, and there were finally new activities for asynchronous tasks in the classroom. I was excited to start the course "Menjadi Google Cloud Engineer" by dicoding.

Wednesday was another Capstone Product-based Presentation Theme meeting, and I found it very interesting. However, I was more focused on the dicoding class as it had some big projects that I needed to work on.

Thursday started with the weekly consultation session, where I got to meet everyone again. I spent most of the day finishing the dicoding class, and now I am only left with the last project submission. in the middle of working on the tasks, I was also filling the mandatory bi-weekly feedback form for my mentor.

Bi-weekly feedback form email

Proof of feedback form

On Friday, I worked with my Capstone team to submit the project plan for the capstone project. I also attended the ILT session on Project Management, which gave me a lot of knowledge about managing projects in a company. Although I had some disagreements over the material provided, it was still helpful in broadening my perspective.

Overall, it was a productive week as I learned new things and made progress in both the dicoding class and capstone project.

Dicoding Certificate

Dicoding "Menjadi Google Cloud Engineer" certificate

Week 12

This week was filled with exciting activities and accomplishments. On Monday, I attended an ILT session focused on automation and operation services in GCP. The presenter was engaging and provided thorough explanations to all the questions asked by the participants. after the meeting I played around with rclone to do cloud sync for my data.

rclone logs

logging for rclone that i set up myself

I finished the day by doing a peer to peer mentoring session with my colleague.

Dicoding Certificate

Dicoding "Menjadi Google Cloud Engineer" certificate

The second day of the week was dedicated to working on asynchronous tasks, specifically the course on Application Development with Cloud Run. I made significant progress, completing several submodules. I'm optimistic about reaching the 2/3 mark by tomorrow.

The following day turned out to be a pleasant surprise as I managed to complete the entire course on Cloud Run. It was a fantastic learning experience, providing valuable insights into cloud-based containerization.

Cloud Run badge

Badge of the week!

Thursday began with a weekly consultation session with my mentor, where I received guidance and support. However, most of the day was spent discussing a project with my capstone team. We finalized our proposal, and the announcement will be made tomorrow.

Finally, on the last day of the week, our team received excellent news. Our proposal was accepted without any revisions required. We are excited to begin development on the project next week.

Bangkit capstone proposal approval

Bangkit capstone proposal approval


Overall, my experience on the third month at Bangkit Academy was very exciting! I made progress in various courses and projects, and I am looking forward to the upcoming weeks. The hands-on learning approach and the support from mentors and fellow students have been invaluable in shaping my skills and knowledge. I can't wait to see what new challenges and opportunities lie ahead.

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